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Vitamin C - Absorbic Acid - (1) 10mg / 20ml

Vitamin C - Absorbic Acid - (1) 10mg / 20ml

Regular price $43.20 USD
Regular price $45.60 USD Sale price $43.20 USD
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(Compare average price at single mega dose shot administered in a physicians office at $65)

Vitamin C Benefits

The micronutrient known as Vitamin C is also called ascorbic acid, and it helps the growth and repair of all your body’s tissues. Unless we are malnourished, we aren’t truly deficient in this substance, but there are many benefits to increasing our intake of the nutrient.

Not only does it enhance your immune system and prevent you from contracting some of our society’s most common conditions, but it can also prevent you from becoming deficient in other substances like iron. Vitamin C can effectively reduce your blood pressure and fight aging, as it is involved in many of the body’s most important processes. What’s more, there is very little risk associated with taking large doses of Vitamin C, as the body can easily flush it out.

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