Can You do Fat Dissolving Treatments at Home?

Can You do Fat Dissolving Treatments at Home?

Fat dissolving injections are considered a cosmetic procedure and are typically not meant to be performed without professional medical supervision.  With that said, fat dissolving products can be purchased on various websites and can legally be used only on your body.  Injecting another individual is something you can not do and is highly illegal.   

Most fat dissolving injections typically use a deoxycholic acid solution which breaks down fat cells under the skin, leading to a more sculpted appearance. Because of the potential risks associated with the injection and the potential of poor results due to improper technique, having a trained professional administer the fat dissolving injection is vital for safety and great results.  Recently though, there is a new product that has entered the market that is all natural, therefore much safer to utilize with this procedure.  

As everyone knows, the pandemic had a great effect on “at home” cosmetic procedures.  Not only because people became bored but also because they did not want to go so long without their confidence boost of botox, filler, or fat dissolver.  But even more so because it all became too costly considering the amount of people who found themselves without a job.  I to can certainly relate.  We all needed a more cost-effective way to get our confidence back without spending an enormous amount of money.  If you find yourself in this same dilemma, preforming your own fat dissolving injections at home could be an option for you.

As stated previously, there are various places online where you can purchase a wide variety of stellar products, and it's important that you find the right vendor that can help you understand how to safely preform this procedure at home.

Before you start any sort of fat dissolving treatment, you should always consult with your doctor first to determine if this is the right option for you. Different people respond differently to fat dissolving injections, so it's important to be aware of any potential risks before beginning a regimen.

Once you and your doctor decide that fat dissolving injections are the right choice for you, here are some tips on how to do them safely at home:
  1. Start by researching the type of injectable that’s best for you. You'll want to look at the ingredients and see what's available in your area. It's also a good idea to find out what kind of side effects may come with using a particular injectable. Nsight Aesthetics has researched a variety of products, tested and vetted a list of reputable products so reading our blog post on 
  2. Make sure to have everything you need before beginning the injection process. This includes gloves, sterile syringes (Insulin needles work great and can be found on Amazon), disinfectant, 70% alcohol, a sterile pen for marking treatment area, gauze for cleaning before and after injections, arnica cream for application after treatment is completed, a disinfected clean and dry area to work on, and a sharps container for disposal.
  3. Read the instructions carefully several times and make sure you understand each step before proceeding. If you have questions ask your vendor and do not proceed until you feel completely comfortable.  This is especially important when dealing with syringes and needles, as improper use can lead to infection or injury.
  4. Wash hands 2 – 3 times before starting.  Use gloves and other protective equipment when handling any injectables or needles. Make sure your hands and any other components that come into contact with your skin are disinfected with 70% alcohol and are clean and dry before proceeding.
  5. Line out treatment area in a grid style with each injection point being 1 inch apart. Carefully follow each injection step in order to ensure that the fat dissolving injections are administered correctly and efficiently. Clean injection point with 70% alcohol after each injection, and with a separate gauze loaded with 70% alcohol, wipe off the needle before introducing into next injection point.. 
  6. When all injection points have been administered clean entire area with 70% alcohol and let dry. Then apply arnica cream over entire treatment area. Be sure to dispose of all used needles or syringes immediately after use in a sharps container to avoid cross-contamination or injury from accidental needle sticks.
  7. Do not take a bath, drink alcohol or exercise for 24 hours after treatment.

By following the above steps, you should be able to safely perform fat dissolving injections at home and start seeing results within weeks. Remember to always consult your doctor before embarking on any type of treatment plan and never attempt treatments without proper instruction or training!

If you have any safety techniques, tips or advice you could add to this blog, please feel free to post your experience for us all to learn from.  We value everyone's opinion.

Disclaimer: We at Nsight Aesthetics are not doctors, nor are we any type of health professional.  We are merely basing our blog topics on our individual experience and ongoing research on administering these types of procedures safely.  It is imperative for you to do your own research and determine if fat dissolving at home is right for you.  But more importantly, to follow all proper protocols to ensure a safe and effective treatment.  Good luck!

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